Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Insanity Man

hey guys, first blog post, and this one is going to be about insanity and insane people, and FYI: when I start into the discussion, it's going to be likely that I'll use a different pattern of speech then in the intro.

The real question, for me anyway, is what IS insanity. One man would say something to the effect of "Mental instability, the incapability to discern from right or wrong". I have a very different opinion than this. My answer to this question is "Insanity is what the common public deems an abnormal mental behavior, even though they really don't know that individual that well". People think that, just because a certain individual thinks in one way while another doesn't, the first is the crazy one, and well, that just throws me into a rage, I people who judge others solely on their first impression, even though I have to admit, I, at times do that myself, though I always try to look at it from a different angle. What really gets me mad is how people associate insanity with murder. People say that Charles is insane, and I say, nay nay! he is not crazy, he's just a really unstable man with anger issues. Supposedly insane people see things that don't otherwise exist in real life, but then who doesn't? I see things at times, and i don't believe them, I just use that as an inspiration for art, yet people would say that I'm crazy because I might see things in a different way than other, but I'm perfectly stable. My parting shot will be this,

Crazy people won't ruin the world, they only improve it. Do you think that the Wright brothers were stable, they had the dream to fly, and they tried to make it happen, it was crazy people that got man onto the moon, and it will be crazy people that will keep man there.

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