Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween and Censorship

Hey peeps, All-Hallows-Eve is just around the bend, and along with it is an issue that I've started to notice lately. Every year, Halloween costumes for both children and s have been getting either more gruesome, or more revealing. I'm not the first to say that there is no problem with being scary on Halloween, but there is a fine line between being scary and being macabre. Little kids do not need to be going around as some sort of very detailed zombie or something to that effect, some kids just shouldn't be around that kind of stuff. Then there's the fact that there's more sultry costumes being released lately for both s and children. It's perfectly fine for an to wear something of this sort, but why are there little kids running around dressed in innappropriate costumes? Then there the parents of these kids, who are all
"I can't believe some of the products being sold these days!" Well, stop complaining, if you guys don't want your daughter going around as an overly Snow White, THEN DON'T BUY THEM THESE COSTUMES!!!! If parents are that concerned with the costumes that little kids are wanting, then towe their little selves out of Celebrations, drive home, grab a bunch of fabric and face paint, and make them their own costumes. And if anybody says ANYTHING close to "Well I just don't have the time" then let your kids do some work, do you think that during the day of the in Mexico, that Mommies and Daddies went out and bought costumes for their kids, here your answer NO!! You know, at least use it as an excuse for spending time with your children, it's a proven fact most kids develope and attitude and other problems with their parents is because they didn't spend enough time with them in the first place. And to those people who are so paranoid about those sick people who put needles and razors in candy, then do a little research for anybody with a slight problem with mental instability in your neighborhood, or you could do something original, like turn your house into a Haunted Mansion, and invite a bunch of people over, have a haunted house party or something, and if you kids complain about how they want to go trick or treating, then spend some time beforehand making candy for them, and maybe let them help out with foresaid party. My halloween would be alot more enjoyable if people would go by this advice. Less sultry and macabre costumes, less parents complaining and no sick people putting razors in with the Resses. Good bye people, and have a pleasant evening this all-hallows-eve.

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