Friday, October 17, 2008

America vs FCC

Hey guys, third post for this blog, this one will be about the battle between the FCC and America's citizens. The FCC is trying to completely ban all offensive topics from television and radio, while american's knowing how this orginization is trying so hard to get this goal to happen, fight just as hard to prevent it. I don't know why they struggle so hard to do this, but I believe that it's a collective rebellion against a orginization. Sure I agree with the FCC, kids are watching, and things should be cleaned up to a certain extent, but then it spread to cable, and I'm sure that the FCC, if they had they way, would even change Van Dyke show to the Beep van Beep show. These people are trying so hard to remove all offensive words from the media, but I'm sure all of you are with me when I say that we are all capable of creating more offenive terms than those with "dirty words". I personally could, but won't because no one needs to hear it. We don't need to be oppressed by these people on a power trip. we don't need to deal with this at all, but america will as usual because they don't really know exactly how free we are, and can be. I'm tired of either hearing people complaining about "how offensive and disturbed the views are that are expressed in television these days" or people whining about "how they're tired of how restricted they are, and how their favorite shows are being cleaned up" This is a democracy people, get off the fat lumps that you call rear ends, and go DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

Thank you for reading, sincerely your truely, Ryan

P.S. look into joining the Foamy Card Cult, foamy's an internet squirrel that I agree with very much, he's not real, but the opinions that he expresses are valid. I'll also fess up, many of the things that I wrote on this post are either exactly the same as a rant from the Jonathan Matthers creation, but I still agree with the points, I do not claim that these were original ideas from me, but I still strongly agree with them.

1 comment:

Dr. P said...

i couldn't agree more, nice blog Ryan!