Friday, January 9, 2009

current event 1/09/09

This was about how Barney Bubbles, an artist for indie record labels, had turned 40 and needed to make some more money, he went around london looking for jobs, and in many interviews, there were younger artists trying to pass off his work for theirs. it wasn't surprising since he never signed his work, but he designed the covers of many independent bands, and even though he avoided publicity, and was ignored by it. he commited suicide at the age of 41. there is a book of his artwork labeled, "Reasons to be Cheerful: The Life and Work of Barney Bubbles" he lived a life in the shadow, but still influenced and was admired by many young designers.

I think this is a sad thing. here was this artist, a man that was obviously very humble, but people were basically ripping him off. he ended up killing himself! hopefully there will never be a time when this happens to me.

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