Thursday, November 20, 2008

Current Event 11-20-08

Hey guys, this is another current event. The article for this week was titled A Day After Sell-Off, Market Seeks a Course, from the New York Times. This was about how the Stock Market was in chaos today, after a sell-off yesterday. The New York Times stated that stocks "wobbled between positive and negative territory, plunging 2 percent in the morning only to rise sharply at midday, then falter once again. "

I have to say that this was very predictable after yesterday's plunge. There could be only one thing that could happen. There would be chaos, people are getting afraid to invest in some things, and because of that, the prices go down, then people start buying stocks, then start selling, and so on. It's going to take a very long time for the stock market to stabilize judging by how it's been behaving lately.

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